I'll get around to it eventually…

Update time!
I’m actually using my steam account for once, just in time for the Steam Sales 😀
Got me some good games so far, including the Portal pack.
Portal 1 was a great game, better than what I expected. Though, I don’t understand people’s fascination in the Weighted Companion Cube. For those of you who don’t know what I’m on about, let me explain:
In one of the rooms, you are given a Cube with a heart on it for the next puzzle. When you get the cube, you are told to treat as your friend, alrighty then. GlaDos then spends the remainder of the test reminding you that your cube is just an inanimate object. At the end of that test, you are told to incinerate it. In fact, you must to proceed.
Now, here’s the thing: you only have the cube for one room. And I spent a good portion of that puzzle going: “Right, you need the cube for that. Now, where did I leave it?” And having to lug it around all over the place.
I honestly didn’t care that I had to get rid of it, I knew I probably wasn’t going to be able to keep it anyway.
According to people I’ve been talking to, this mentality makes me a monster

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.

It's just a cube, people!

To be honest, I preferred GlaDos’s curiosity module. Why? It spoke, it attempted to communicate with you. Admitted all it really did was ask questions about everything, but it made me think of a curious little kid, and I thought it cute for it. Plus, it screamed when you killed it, which I thought was horrible.
Because it made me regret it. I liked that thing, it had personality and I had to destroy it.
If it wasn’t for the more pressing matters of the time limit and GlaDos, I would have tried to find a way of keeping it.

Anyway, I completed the main story of Portal and actually found the whole thing cleverly done. I am curious as to what has been happening Aperture Science and why it was deserted. The combat drones were annoying though, but that just made it more satisfying to “render them inert”  (Read: Knock them over).
Now, I’ll play Portal 2… as soon as it finishes downloading.
See ya


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